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Allow me to introduce myself.


My name is Keith Mathison. I was born and raised just south of Houston, Texas, in the little town of Alvin. God in His great mercy called me out of darkness and into the Kingdom of His Son not long after I graduated High School. Some of my friends soon invited me to their church, and I was baptized and became a member. I have been a follower of Jesus Christ since that day.


I met the beautiful woman who would become my bride at Houston Baptist University. Tricia and I were married in 1990 after graduation. We then moved a few hours north to Dallas to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. During my time at DTS, I began to question the validity of the dispensationalist approach to Scripture. In God’s providence, the man who was invited to the seminary’s regular annual lecture series that first year was Dr. R.C. Sproul. During my fourth semester at DTS, I came to the conclusion that dispensationalism is biblically indefensible. My wife and I then moved to Orlando, Florida so that I could finish my Master's degree at Reformed Theological Seminary. One of my professors was Dr. Sproul.


Our daughter was born in 1995 as I was finishing RTS. Our little family moved back to Texas for several months, but we returned to Orlando in the Spring of 1996. I began working at Ligonier Ministries in March of 1996 and became a member of St. Andrews Chapel when it was founded in 1997. In 2001, our son was born. During that same year, I finished the work for a PhD at Whitefield Theological Seminary. Several years after I began work at Ligonier, I became part of the editorial team for Tabletalk magazine. Then in late 2007, I was asked to help lay the groundwork for Reformation Bible College. I began serving at RBC as a professor when the doors opened in 2011. I continue to serve there today. (I should note that although I work for Ligonier Ministries, the postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Ligonier Ministries.) In December 2017, our first granddaughter was born. 


I have published a handful of books on topics such as eschatology, sola scriptura, and the Lord’s Supper. I have contributed chapters to a few other books. My goal in all of my writing, whether in books, Tabletalk articles, or this blog is to point people to Jesus Christ.   


This world is a fallen and dark place. It glories in the false, the evil, and the ugly. In this blog, I hope to reflect on those things in this world that reflect the true, the good, and the beautiful to some degree and which, in doing so, point to the One who is, in His very Being, infinite Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.


My hope is that such reflections might be used of God to provide a sliver of light in the midst of this present darkness (Eph. 6:12). With all of this in mind, I intend to discuss a variety of topics: the Bible, theology, literature, music, history, and much more – all from the standpoint of one who is an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ. I also believe that laughter is a gift that God gives His people, a people who are so often surrounded by tears. Laughter and joy are paralleled in Scripture (Psalm 126:2). We cannot and dare not take God lightly, but a sense of humor about ourselves and our foibles can be used of God to take our arrogance and pride down a notch or two.


For those who are interested in discussions of everything from the Trinity to Tolkien, from Bach to the Battle of Gettysburg, pull up a chair.


“Further up and further in!”

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